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5 Fall Property Maintenance Tips for Landlords in West Palm Beach

5 Fall Property Maintenance Tips for Landlords in West Palm Beach

Unlike most parts of the U.S., more people rent than own homes in West Palm Beach, FL. The latest statistics show that, of the city's 48,002 households, 50.8% are renters.

As a West Palm Beach landlord, that high renter rate should be fantastic news for you. After all, it means you have a larger pool of potential tenants.

But to attract and keep tenants, you must prioritize rental property maintenance.

So, now that it's fall, here's what you need to do to keep your property in top shape.

1. Clean Gutters

Clogged gutters can cause water damage to your property and attract pests. They can hold stagnant water, which disease-causing mosquitoes love. They also love Florida's climate, so it's no wonder the state is home to over 80 species.

So, come fall, clean your rental property's gutters to keep them free of water and fall foliage.

2. Inspect and Clean the Roof

Having your rental property's roof inspected and cleaned is also ideal during fall. This gives you time to address potential leaks and insulation problems before winter. These issues can affect indoor comfort, especially once the colder days arrive.

3. Trim Your Trees

While June is West Palm Beach's wettest month, fall is its wettest season.

All that rain can beat down on low-lying tree branches above your rental property's roof. Heavy rains, plus strong winds, can make limbs snap, fall on, and damage the roof.

Before that happens, trim your trees and ensure branches are at least six feet from the roof. Also, don't forget to rake leaves and bag them immediately before they clog outdoor drains.

4. Change or Wash HVAC Filters

You should do this at least once every season, but more if you have many plants around the property. Fall is a prime season for mold growth, considering all the dead leaves they can feast on. The spores they release can float into your rental property and clog up the HVAC filters faster.

5. Consider Outsourcing Property Maintenance

Maintaining your rental property isn't just a fall thing; it's a year-round duty.

For instance, you must ensure the heating system works efficiently in winter. You must also inspect, fix, or replace plumbing pipe insulation.

Come spring, you have to inspect doors, windows, and screens for leaks and damage. Otherwise, they may let bugs in, which become more active as the days get warmer.

By summer, you must have the air conditioning system checked and serviced. The roof also needs another inspection at this point.

As you can see, rental property maintenance is laborious and time-consuming. To save yourself time, consider hiring a property management company. They can handle everything, even finding and screening tenants and collecting rent!

Make Rental Property Maintenance a Breeze

The property maintenance tasks discussed above are just some of what you must do in the fall. They may sound easy, but remember: you also have your home to maintain.

So, why not have a professional property management company take over those tasks for you? That way, you can focus on your residence while you earn passive income.

If you're ready to delegate your rental property's management to the pros, PG Group is here to help. We service West Palm Beach, FL, so call us today for a consultation!
